*5.1.2 Level C (Commercial Packaging). Slotted angles and panels shall be packaged to afford adequate protection against physical damage during shipment from the supplier to the first receiving activity. The package and the quantity per package shall be the same as that normally used by the supplier for retail distribution.
*5.2 Packing. Packing shall be level A, B, or C as specified (see 6.2).
5.2.1 Level A. Slotted angles, panels and accessories when required, segregated for form and size, as applicable, shall be packaged in cleated plywood boxes, nailed wood boxes, skid cleated load bearing base wood boxes, or unsheathed crates conforming to PPP-B-601 (overseas type), PPP-B-621 (Class 2), MIL-B-26195 and PPP-C-650 respectively. The gross weight of the boxes shall not exceed 1000 pounds. The gross weight of the crates shall be subject to the weight limitations of the specification. The boxes and crates shall be closed and strapped in accordance with the appendix of the applicable specification.
5.2.2 Level B. Slotted angles, panels and accessories when required, shall be packed as specified in 5.2.1 except that the cleated plywood box shall conform to PPP-B-601 (domestic type) and the nailed wood box to PPP- B-621 (Class 1).
*5.2.3 Level C (Commercial Packing). Slotted angles and panels, packaged as specified in 5.1, shall be packed in a manner to insure carrier acceptance and safe delivery to destination at the lowest transportation
rate for such supplies. The quantity per shipping container shall be the same as that normally used by the supplier for retail distribution. Containers shall comply with Uniform Freight Classification Rules, National Motor Freight Classification Rules, or the regulations of other carriers as applicable to the mode of transportation.
5.3 Marking. In addition to any special marking required by the contract or order, shipping containers shall be marked in accordance with Standard MIL-STD-129.
*6.1 Intended use. Material described herein is intended for the construction and erection of frame type units of warehouse shelving, racks, stands, etc. It is also intended for the framework of small buildings, sheds, walkways, and crating. When the material is intended for outdoor use, a class 3 finish shall be required.
6.2 Procurement instructions.
6.2.1 Unit package. A unit package of Unit A (par. 1.2) material shall be 10 pieces of the same dimensions of slotted metal angle supplied with not less than 75 each bolts and nuts as specified in 3.4.1. A unit package of Unit B material shall be 12 pieces of the same dimensions of panels supplied with not less than 48 each bolts and nuts
as specified in 3.4.1.
*6.2.2 Ordering Data. Procurement documents should specify the following: (a) Title, number and date of this specification.
(b) Number of unit packages (see 6.2.1) of Unit A and Unit B by types and dimensions required. (See
3.2.3 and 3.3.3)
(c) Additional copies of instructions or quantities of bolts and nuts required (3.6 and 3.4.1). (d) If self-locking nuts are required (3.4.1).
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