4.3 Examination. Each sample of the sample units selected in accordance with 4.2.2 shall be examined to verify compliance with the specification. Examination shall be conducted as specified in Table 1. Any units in the sample containing one or more defects shall be rejected and if the number of defective units in any sample exceeds the acceptance number for that sample, the lot represented by the sample shall be rejected.
Table 1. Classification of defects in accordance with MIL-STD-105
Categories Defects
Critical None.
Major: Defects 2.5 AQL.
101 Units not new, evidence of reclaimed, used or salvaged material.
102 Camber in excess of 3/16" in a 10 foot length of the metal angle.
103 Accessories not as specified or missing.
104 Hole and slot pattern not as specified.
105 Dimensions not as specified.
106 Gage not as specified.
107 Surfaces or finish not as specified, void of coating, breaks, incomplete finishes, or plating coats below the required thickness.
Minor: Defects 6.5 AQL
201 Burrs, ragged edges, impassible or incomplete slots.
202 Handbook of Instructions not as specified.
4.4 Inspection of preparation for delivery. The preservation, packing, packaging and marking of the units shall be examined and tested to determine conformance with the requirements of section 5 of the specification, and as required by specifications referenced therein. Inspection lots and sampling shall be in accordance with MIL- STD-105 with inspection level S-4 with an AQL of 6.5 percent defective.
*5.1 Packaging. Packaging shall be level A, B, or C as specified (see 6.2).
5.1.1 Levels A and B. Cleaning, drying, preservation and packaging shall be in accordance with MIL-P-116, Method III.
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